Friday, November 26, 2010

What Can I Give?

It's Christmastime! Moms and Dads are carefully choosing gifts- and at our house, the children are realizing "it is more blessed to give than to receive" as well! But with 6 kiddos, we can't give them enough money to each buy gifts for each other and for grandparents and friends! Simple solution? The crafty Christmas.

Confession: I am not a "crafty" person. (Mostly because I don't deal well with messes.) But this time of year I do strive to overcome my complex and help the children create Christmas gifts!

We have made ornaments from popsicle sticks, a reindeer that holds a hershey kiss (coming tomorrow), doll clothes, bookmarks, potholders, birdhouses... lots of hands-on and inexpensive ways for children to show their care!

The Dollar Store is a great option (we let the children do chores- like folding socks- to earn $ for gifts), but I maintain that gifts from children are more meaningful when they're handmade.

Check back often for lots of Merry Christmas Gift Ideas!!

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