Friday, September 11, 2009

Our first field trip this year!

Today was our first field trip with our Learning on the Go co-op! The children learned about the history of the pretzel (a monk shaped bread dough into the shape of a child praying w/folded arms & the 3 holes represent the Trinity) and then shaped & baked their own. Afterwards, some of us went to the pool for some fun splash time. Good times.

Right now, the kiddos are enjoying popsicles on the back porch- then we're going to go out front to put up some flags and pray for the families who lost loved ones eight 9/11s ago.

I'm also praying that the Lord will continue extending his care & mercies to us. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray then I will turn & heal their land."

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hi Mom! Hi Dad!

Here are some pix to show the family. We took these when we went to Animal Kingdom a few weeks ago. :) Love you guys.