Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gingerbread Houses Change...

We're all sick! So we're cancelling *our part* of the gingerbread houses. Everyone else is still going, we are just not so we won't be providing the houses. Ya'll bring your own or someone bring enough for everyone or just decorate graham crackers and have fun!

Sorry we'll miss you- our Merry Christmas is not getting you sick.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Gingerbread" Houses

Most of you know my history with Gingerbread... it's shaky, at best. So this year, we're going to make Graham Cracker Houses instead. :)

Now, don't get your hopes up... even if we use graham crackers, the houses won't look like the one in the picture. :) But the kiddos will have a great time, cleanup will be a breeze, and we can all split the cost by bringing a contribution!

I'm going to assemble the houses the day before so they'll dry and the kiddos can decorate w/abandon. You RSVP # of children and pick what candy you'll bring from the below list (or be creative!) by leaving a comment here.

Losco Park, Friday Dec 18, 10:00. Bring a sack lunch, too. Merry Christmas!

**Candy Needs**
mini Candy Canes
2 containers white frosting
Mini Red Hots
Chocolate Nonpariels (those chocolates w/little white candy dots on top)
Twizzlers (gross tasting, but they look cute!)
box of snack size ziploc bags
roll of paper towels, baby wipes, 1 grown up pair scissors, and a whole bunch of Publix bags to take the houses home in w/o gooing up the car