Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kindness Matters

Chris is out of town with Ben. Man trip to the Everglades- you know, wrestling gators, camping with boa constrictors and fishing from dawn to dusk. I can't wait to hear all about the memories they made!!

But I digress... After church today, I took the kiddos to Applebees for a quick lunch on the way home. The hostess sat us across from an older couple peacefully enjoying their meal. I silently prayed the children would be well-behaved so we didn't ruin their lunch!! Not that Lauren, Timothy, Andrew, Georgia Anne & Clara are bad, they're very sweet, but after being quiet in church all morning there is lots of energy stored up!!

Long story short, the man did some magic tricks to make Georgia Anne smile and I realized, with relief, that they love children and we were ok to relax. {whew!} Here's the cool part- when our server brought our check, he told me they had given him money to pay for part of our dinner!!! I am totally blown away & blessed & grateful!! Thank you, friendly folks!

There is another matter of kindness I should say thanks for- the unmerited favor I have received from God! He didn't just pay for my meal, he paid for my admission to the best banquet in eternity! I have done nothing to deserve His love, but He has become man, lived sinlessly and then died bearing my sins to achieve my forgiveness.

I'm smiling, grateful for all the love shown today. I think of the adage, "To whom much is given, much is required." I'll look for chances to live out this loving kindness today to my family and neighbors because Kindness Matters.


  1. Awwwesoooome! Thanks for sharing!! :O)

    Erin N.

  2. ‎:) love seeing His kindness poured out on you, friend!

  3. Very kind of the man and the lord see you tonight.

  4. Wow, that's such an encourgement! God is so good to His children! :)
    -Ruth Ann

  5. Love it when people do random acts of kindness. Everyone would be much happier if it was commonplace. Hope lunch was yummy!


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