Saturday, July 9, 2011

ONE, beautiful baby!

You know what I'm going to say- but bear with me... I cannot believe our baby girl is one year old already! {You know you've said it too!}

We celebrated with lots of Daddy time (and lots of time in arms for this teething baby girl) and concluded with a delicious Carrot Pineapple Cupcake with Cream Cheese Frosting. Yum. She l.o.v.e.d. hers!! And she loved sharing with her brother, too!

Even though Lauren is usually our Cupcake Queen, she just had the treat of baking 60 WICKED awesome cupcakes for our friend Arden (I'll post about those another time). So Timothy had a turn in the kitchen baking Clara's delish Bday cupcakes!

After presents & the Birthday song, we enjoyed our newest tradition: we tucked everyone else in bed and let the Birthday Girl stay up late for some special Mamma & Daddy time! We played with Clara's new baby, read Jan Brett's On Noah's Ark and laughed as little Clara walked back and forth doling out her sweet little kisses to me & her Daddy.

It was a sweet ending to a sweet birthday for ONE sweet baby girl! Happy Birthday, little Clara.

1 comment:

  1. awwwee, wow I can't believe Clara is 1 either!! That happened so fast. She looks so big to me now, too!! :) Sweet "baby" Clara :)


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