Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Over the (St. John's) river and through the (Osceola National Forest) woods to grandmother's house we go!! Actually, it was Uncle Kenny's house in Tallahasee- and what a wonderful visit!! :) I don't know if I'll have a chance to post more pix or not, but here is a family photo- we're missing Joe, Elizabeth & Judah, Kenny & Mason, and Aunt Tina & Bob... hopefully they'll be there as well next year!

GeGe and Mom put together songbooks for us to sing out of after dinner... it was an altogether lovely day. Thank you, Lord, for a family who loves You. I pray that the next generation will rise up to praise You as well- knowing You more than we do and loving You all the more for it. Amen


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! :) How fun to be with family, and blessed to be among those who love our Lord! Praise His name.

  2. It's so sweet seeing Jadi with her baby girl and then your sister actually popped out! I guess she only has about 8wks left? (from now) And as for song books, that sounds like such a wonderful thing to be able to do!


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