Friday, June 19, 2009

Carpe Diem vs. Slow & Steady

I have a little whisperer on each shoulder.

C.D. cheers, "Drop everything and go play with the children!"

"Don't be silly! Finish this small vacuum job and put away the cleaner so you won't come back inside to a mess!" responds S & S with measured words.

"Messes will always be around! It'll be too hot to go outside if you wait much longer. First things first! Enjoy your little ones." demands C.D.

S&S sighs, "Oh please! Enjoy the children? Will you really be enjoying them when you come inside to mounds of laundry, a grocery list to be made & shopping to do and you stub your toe on the vacuum cleaner you left out?!"

Today, I finished the vacuuming in my bathroom and assigned the kitchen to Lauren. I'm going to put the cleaner away before going outside... I hate stubbing my toe! I'm leaving the laundry and now going outside (even though it's hot) and still wandering just what the right thing to do would be?!

In the end, I needed to just DO something! I can vascillate all day and accomplish neither fun nor to-dos. It's time to stop overthinking and start living!
p.s. Isn't Krissy so cute with Landon sleeping on her shoulder? It has nothing to do with the post- I just love my sister! :)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean Allie!!

    I wish I was there to play outside with you guys!


Thanks for dropping a note!