Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Courtship is like buying a boat...

Today, Chris was talking about boats and the boys were right in there with him. (Nothing new there, I know!) It is so precious to me how they adore their dad through mimicing his every hobby. Fishing? They're ready with their poles. Hunting? Sure Daddy, they can sit quietly for hours in the woods! (NOT!)

Anyways, today Chris told us he's going to buy a small boat he can keep here and go out on more easily. I was surprised (read: "You're going to buy another boat?") but not really. The conversation that followed was so cute I had to document:

"It's kind of like courtship, Mom" Ben quipped.

Me, incredulously, "What are you talking about, Ben?"

"You know, first you think about it... then you talk about it with your family... then you start looking seriously and you buy that boat!"

Well, now that we have that settled... LOL I don't know why I was worried about how we'll walk through that season of life! Sounds like we've got it down pat! (Let's all just pray that he doesn't tell his beloved one day that it's just like buying a boat!)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to be a Lady

Lauren and I started a new "Mother-Daughter" study today. She finished Proverbs 31 before Christmas and now we're reading, "How to be a Lady."

Today, the book referenced the error of thinking too much or too little of yourself. Before I elaborated on the concept of thinking too little of yourself, Lauren surprised me with this explanation.

"If you're foolish while you're little, your heart gets set on doing foolish things and when you get old, like 16, you make bad decisions and it's harder to learn to do the right thing."

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in my strong little girl's life! He is shaping her even now. May His mercies continue in Lauren's life all of her days.