Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Favorite Child

Have you ever wandered if you are showing favoritism towards one of your children? If this is happening at your house- you have a problem. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's been 10 years!

Chris & I celebrated our 10 year anniversary last weekend. We drove up to Savannah the first night to break up the trip. Chris had lots of surprises up his sleeve- he reserved a Bed & Breakfast there, just like we did for our honeymoon! We ate dinner in a historic home, The Olde Pink House, and I received my biggest surprise of the trip- a new ring! My old ring hadn't fit for months (since becoming pregnant) but I had NO idea this was coming! And he did an amazing job choosing- it is simple and elegant. Wow.

Friday morning, we drove up to Charleston (what a gorgeous drive!) and started exploring the city. It is larger than we expected! When I grew tired from walking, we found a pedi-cab (bicycle with a cart behind for tourists who get tired from walking too much! LOL) who would whisk us away to the acquarium- and just in time! The skies opened up as we paid our admission. After enjoying the fish, jellies, and other exhibits, we walked back to the hotel in a light drizzle... enjoying the historic city all the way.

There is so much to tell of the rest of the trip- fabulous food at every turn, neat historic sights, gorgeous gardens at plantations, a trip to a Whole Foods market (WOW!) and the tranquility of the water... suffice it to say we had a refreshing and memorable 10 year anniversary trip.

I count my blessings to be wed to such a thoughtful hubby (though he did forget to stop for breakfast on our way home- but I think a little grace is ok there, don't you?!) Here's to 10 more years and many more memories! Here here!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I Love my Hubby!

Chris is such a wonderful hubby. He is thoughtful, plans fun surprises for us, is patient with me (even during the emotional part of pregnancy!), and leads me well.

He's also a great Daddy! Our children love him so much- and he gives them many reasons to do so- ice cream, fireworks, nightly devotion time, playing ball in the backyard, and all snuggling together in the big rocking chair.

I'm so thankful the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, gave this man to me. I could go on- but that's probably enough sappiness for all of you and besides, I don't want to set the bar too high for my single friends. :) I love you, Chris!